Operation Blood Storm - Mars Jackal Crash
In Operation Blood Storm, the player assaults the SDF’s space station above Mars. After encountering heavy resistance, the player’s capital ship and home base, The Retribution, is shot down and crashes on the surface. The player then rallies his remaining allies at the crashed ship to mount an assault on the space station via the space elevator.
I designed the initial layout for the sequence where the player walks from Reyes' crashed Jackal to McCallum's crashed dropship. The player is walking slowly due to an injury sustained during the crash, so we tried to keep the walk short. We used the surrounding vista to show how the planet is being terraformed and how this machinery is linked together. This part of the level was then passed on to Treyarch to art and script.
I also designed the Retribution Crash set piece in the next scene. Once the ship is on the ground, the crew pull out anything they can use to create a camp outside the crash and mount an assault on the space elevator. This was later finished by the art team at IW.